Like many of you, I have felt frustration at the behavior and arrogance of many of our elected officials. While there is a great variety of political affiliations and beliefs among us, we all deserve a government which is accountable to us. It is guaranteed by our Constitution.
My children have heard my complaints regarding the audacity and elitism which many elected officials display. One of my children asked me what I was going to do about it. That caught me off guard; since it's easy to complain but more difficult to act. So, I will start by doing one simple thing. I will write my representatives every week concerning an issue which I feel strongly about. That is something which I can do to have my voice heard.
I have decided that during the my next family home evening I am going to delicately explain to my children that the current Vice-President (Joe Biden) chose to use extremely vulgar language. Since Mr. Biden is currently the Vice-President of the United States, his behavior and language are unacceptable. Mr. Biden has made no real apologies for his behavior, and has said that the word he chose to use is "no big deal". I have come to realize that as an American citizen I can, and do, expect more of my elected officials. Socrates once said: "Speak that I may see you". I want my children to learn that they can discern a great deal about someone from listening to what they say. I am going to invite my children (ages 7, 9, 11 & 14) to join me in writing individual letters to Mr. Biden and tell him what we think of his language and what type of behavior we expect from him.
Jesus Christ certainly taught and showed us that we need to teach by example. I am now at a junction in my life that I cannot allow my children to see me do nothing. As the British Statesman Edmund Burke said, “Evil flourishes when good men do nothing”.
I invite each of you to ask yourself if there is something that you can be doing to make our government accountable to us, and to have your voice heard. After all, If you do not stand up for what you believe, who will?