...as you already know, that Romney WON Idaho!
My OWN county, on the other hand, not so much.
Things That I Loved about the Caucus:
-That a prayer was said before the process began.
-That the Pledge of Allegiance was also said, and everyone cheered afterwards.
-That of everyone we chatted with,
one thing was completely AGREED:
We all need to vote for the Nominee, whoever it is!
3 Regrets About the Caucus:
1. I regret that I couldn't convince more of my like-minded friends to come out and vote.
(I know, I know, Romney won anyway, after all, but I just want people to get IN THE HABIT of voting, in general)
2. I regret that I didn't eat a big dinner before going. We were there for more than FIVE hours!
(Who ever thought it was necessary to vote, then eliminate the person with the least amounts of votes, then vote again, and again, and again, until you end up with the overall winner? Why not just go with the top vote- getter in the first place?
I KNOW there must be a good reason - I really do want to know.
Will someone please explain?)
OH - I know I only stated two regrets, not three.
I couldn't think of the third one!
I am really glad that I participated :-)