The winning number is . . .
(drumroll, please! . . . )
23! (via Randon Number Generator!)
(Now I will go and look to see who that is!)
It's . . .
Abby from Delusions of Grandeur
And thank you everyone who left a comment. The answer/ask question game was really a lot of fun to read!
Congrats to her---bummer for me:)
Yes, congrats to me! Hooray and huzzah for finally winning something without resorting to threats and/or bribery! I'm so excited. I'd take a photo of it when it arrives, but you already did. I suppose I could stick it on the cat and take a photo. That would be awesome!
I loved that game, by the way...
Have a great day, Lady!
YAY for her! Boo/hiss for me : )
Good job and congratulations!! Wahoo!
Thanks for the fun q & a game! I really like that a lot!!! Sooo fun!
I got the apron, Loralee! Many thanks! I'm not done taking photos of it yet, but when I am I'll post about its arrival. Thanks again! It's beautiful!
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