Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Umm, Maybe I Should Just Slow Down!?!

I was opening my bills the other day. . . and now you know the rest of this story just can't be about something good. . .

. . . when I noticed on my car insurance bill that there's an increase of $89 semi-annually, with a nice little phrase that I don't recall exactly, but for sure was a polite way to say "now you gotta pay thru the nose because you can't control your foot"
You can guess, yes, this was because of a ticket that I had gotten sometime in the previous six months. For speeding. To be fair, I hadn't gotten a ticket in more than 3 years, so you could call me reformed. More likely, you should just call me Lucky.

Because, anyone who knows me, even a tiny little bit, knows or has heard that I tend to drive like I have a ten-pound anvil weighing down my foot.

This stems from the little (I think my husband made it up) -known (true) urban myth about Utah drivers.

I haven't lived in Utah since I was 4. (Pretty sure I didn't drive back then) However, I was born in Utah. It must be in the water. I'm sure my mom drank plenty of it during my gestation.

Let me explain the myth.

LDS women, especially those who have any number of kids and have been married a while, have a lot of meetings to attend. Church, school, and community, those meetings can really add up.

And when you have kids, whether several small, or, many in a vast age range like I do, to prod along and get ready to go with you, it seems that time nearly always is in short supply.

So when we (you can include yourself if you are LDS or a woman, or not; your choice) get behind the wheel of a car, we have to get where we are going in about half the time that it really takes, if you drive the speed limit. And any children who grew up in a household such as this, naturally learned to drive like this. So you have streets and especially freeways full of people driving like bats out of. . . well, you know.

That's my husband's theory, anyway.

Now, to be fair, LDS women, and Mormons in general, try really, really hard not to break laws. It's in the commandments somewhere, I think. We are so good at it, that little things like traffic laws go fairly unnoticed.

If you've ever been to Utah, I think you know what I mean...


Jessica Jane said...

That's funny. I thought Utah drivers were slow. I guess it's relative. I learned to drive in L.A. ( =

The Petersen's said...

I've heard of this myth, which is why I am afraid to drive in Utah. I stick to Idaho and the only time I go fast is when I get to chit chatting and forget what speed I;m going...my only ticket was when I was laughing really hard and temporarily forgot about the speed limit. oops

Tiphaine Brewer said...

I lived in Utah for 3 years...my favorite "fast driving" experience was picking my mom up from the airport...do you know going around and around on the parking ramps with a lead foot on the gas pedal will make an Arizonian barf?!?!

Lara Neves said...

I don't think it's a myth, and I don't think it's restricted to just Utah, either. :)

My car insurance went up 25 dollars a month for NO APPARENT REASON! I haven't had a ticket in over 2 years, and Joel never has. Needless to say, we really should see if we can find a better deal somewhere.

Pancake said...

Utah driver are CRAZY!! NOw I know why!!!

Sorry about the extra cash you have to pay!

Nathan said...

As a Utah resident (not a Utah native), I know exactly what you mean.

While I would love to blame Utah drivers for all my problems, I have a sneaking suspicion that it isn't the local drivers that are causing the problems.

My completely unfounded guess is that the real problem comes from so many people from so many different places on the road at the same time. All the different local styles of driving cause a little craziness on the freeways.

Becky said...

I always love that the prophet has to remind people to be courteous drivers after General Conference.

I think it is the water.

Anonymous said...

I have never gotten a speeding ticket. Of, course, that doesn't mean I don't speed. I do. I've just never been caught. Sorry about your insurance.

Kate said...

This is all true, we have so many places to be all at one time. It is sad that even though we should watch the signs we often get caught up with too many other things on our minds. Sorry about your increase in insurance.

The Birthday Group said...

I have not gotten a ticket since 2002, but as a teenager I was plagued with the exact same 10 pound weight. My favorite thing was driving down steep hills (Like Miller Hill and 170th) with no lights on and going 30 mph over the speed limit. It was even funner when it rained because the car I drove didn't have windshield wipers. I never lived in Utah, but Oregon has the same problem.

R Allen said...

They changed the yellow light to be of 2 second duration instead of 5 so that now you are 6,000 times more likely to get a red light camera fine of $495 when driving in Beverly Hills.


Mrs. O said...

You mean like a bat out of Primary?

Barbaloot said...

Mmkay-I would just like to say that I suffer from the lead food myself...and have no kids wherewith to put the blame. Now what?!

Erin said...

I definitely have a lead foot too! Maybe you're onto something here!